Buy Ramar Seetha Fruit, Soursop Kodai Fruit, Kodaikanal Fresh Farm Fruits Online
Ramar Seetha Fruit, Soursop Kodai Fruit, Kodaikanal Fresh Farm Fruits Online A native of the warm and tropical regions of the Americas, soursop is a fruit that goes by many names. Its scientific name is Annona muricata, but it also goes by guanabana, paw-paw, sirsak, and graviola. Buy soursop Fruits in Kodai Soursop is a member of the Annonaceae family, also known as the custard apple family. The fruits, which grow on trees, are large and oval-shaped. The green exterior, which has spines on it, covers a white, fibrous flesh. They grow up to 8 inches and can weigh up to 10 pounds. Soursop’s flavor can best be described a cross between mango and pineapple Buy Ramar Seetha Fruit Soursop has many uses in traditional medicine, and it has been used to treat a wide range of health conditions and ailments. With its strong nutrient profile, it provides a variety of health benefits. Health Benefits Soursop is high in vitamin C, an antioxidant known to boost im...